Lets Talk! - GCSE's, Prom and BookTube!?

Hello Lovelies, I know, I know long time no talk but life is pretty damn stressful right now. I have officially started my GCSE's and in case you don't know what GCSEs are these are the exams that take place in the UK before College (I am so lucky to have already been accepted). The exams I have taken so far are Maths, English Language and the first biology exam. First of all I already passed maths in January *cheers* but i decided to take higher maths so i am preparing for that torture in the next few weeks *boooooo*. English Language was amazing because I had the opportunity to attend a conference in Harrogate that was where my exam board literally told me exactly what i needed to do to get an A/A* which in case you didn't already know I really want to get a high grade in English because I love that lesson and I am doing it at A Level. Although the support I received was very encouraging it was still very stressful going into the exam I was asked about bees? I mean bees...