Let's Talk! - My new book obsession, Writing a novel and Daily vlogging!?

Hello lovelies, Today i thought i would do a bit more of a chatty post as i felt it was well delivered last time i did one of these posts. So since the last time we spoke i have finally left secondary school after doing my last exam on Friday. This means that I have 11 weeks to myself for watching some TV shows, shopping, reading and Oh? lets not forget you lovely people reading this, I will try to post much more frequently. And maybe post everyday but don't keep me to that. Well the last few weeks have been some hectic ones at that, I went to the local funfair and was sick on one of the rides - not embarrassing at all! The day after that I went shopping in town and this week I had my leavers barbecue and spent all day yesterday (saturday) in Blackpool! So i will be posting a a huge collective haul in the next few days. This summer I have made a promise to myself to take more risks and try new things but I also want to get a lot more reading done this summer. I am currently r...