Let's Talk! - My new book obsession, Writing a novel and Daily vlogging!?

Hello lovelies,

Today i thought i would do a bit more of a chatty post as i felt it was well delivered last time i did one of these posts. So since the last time we spoke i have finally left secondary school after doing my last exam on Friday. This means that I have 11 weeks to myself for watching some TV shows, shopping, reading and Oh? lets not forget you lovely people reading this, I will try to post much more frequently. And maybe post everyday but don't keep me to that.

Well the last few weeks have been some hectic ones at that, I went to the local funfair and was sick on one of the rides - not embarrassing at all! The day after that I went shopping in town and this week I had my leavers barbecue and spent all day yesterday (saturday) in Blackpool! So i will be posting a a huge collective haul in the next few days.

This summer I have made a promise to myself to take more risks and try new things but I also want to get a lot more reading done this summer. I am currently reading Pride and Prejudice, I have to say I am obsessed so far I am only on Chapter 11 but I must say I love the story and the way Austen writes. However before I began reading the book I decided to watch one of the several adaptations of the novel as I wasn't sure if I could read some classic literature. If you are wanting to watch an adaptation of the book but want one that really keeps with the tone, story and has direct quotes then I have to say the 1995 adaptation is the best for this. I have so many problems with the movie from 2005, I definitely prefer the TV show it was adapted by Andrew Davies who also wrote the screenplay for the 2007 adaptation of Northanger Abbey which has an amazing cast. I just love the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice to any other, Blog post coming soon on this too...

The Bennet Sisters  - Not my own image

As I have been reading more, my love for writing is increasing again and I am currently writing a story based on stories that my nan has told me about her childhood. I definitely will not be uploading this it is just for my own enjoyment and satisfaction to help me get back into writing again.

I also mentioned in my last 'Lets talk' post that I am contemplating starting to make YouTube videos, but I definitely want your input! Please Please comment on what your thoughts are because I would love to hear them, because the lovely people who read posts like these are the reason why I make them so your voice counts!

Thanks for reading,

Ellie Xxx



  1. Pride and Prejudice is my favourite book and I completely agree that the 1995 TV series is so much better than the 2005 film. I think the film is more artsy and stereotypically "romantic" but the TV series is the novel practically translated, everything is kept basically the same and it is just 10 steps up in my opinion! I'd love to hear more about your novel - it sounds so interesting!

    Jemima x

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment, I agree entirely, I felt the movie made Elizabeth seem weak and broken by Mr Darcy whereas the TV Show showed that she was capable of fighting back. Thanks again for commenting,

      Ellie Xxx

  2. I love your blog! I also love the fact that you’re taking more risks this summer. I’m inspired!

    --Lianne | LittleRedCanvas.com

    1. Thank you so much!

      - Ellie Xx


  3. Will have to hear more about your novel it sounds amazing. Love reading your blog Ellie x

    1. Thanks lovely! Will have to discuss it when we next chat

      - Ellie Xx


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