The Versatile Blogger Award

Hello Lovelies,

I have been nominated twice for this so I am finally coming around to doing it so thank you Sonam and Indie for the nomination I love both of your blogs they are fab!
Here are the rules if you aren't already aware of them -
- Thank the person who gave you the award.
- Include a link to their blog.
- Nominate 15 blogs or bloggers that you've recently followed or follow regularly for the award.  
- Tell the person who nominated you 7 facts about yourself.
My Seven Facts
1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Animals!
If you have been reading my blog for a while now you will know I love animals of all shapes and sizes! it may not come as a surprise to people as my family have more than enough pets, between us we have 5 dogs, 6 cats, a rabbit (a giant one, hare?) and a parrot! (this is including my nan and aunty haha) I include all of them when listening my pets because they might as well be my own.
2. I am allergic to.... CATS!?
I love cat's infact I am sneezing over my nan's right now as I type but it doesn't mean I don't love them any less.
3. I have anaemia (which I don't even know how to spell haha)
That basically means I have an iron deficiency I have never really gone into this on my blog before so I feel like you may be interested in that and I may go into that further in future blog posts if you want to know more about it?
4. I am one of the most pickiest eaters ever!?
I have one of the most unhealthy lifestyles, I despise most if not all veg but I drink only water and love fruit? weird I guess? I would actually eat fruit over chocolate!
5. I am teensy weensy little bit ADDICTED to my phone.
I love twitter it is one of the few places I feel like I won't be judged well along with this blog.
6.  I only own one high end makeup product.
I know this may be hand to believe for some of you makeup junkies like myself but I bought my first ever high end make up product only last week and it was a Clinique color pop lipstick in Melon Pop.
7. I don't think I have a total of seven facts so let me know one about you in the comments!
My Nominations!
I know I am not going to reach the goal mark of fifteen but I will get as many as possible.
1.  Romantiquely - I love this blogs layout it is beyond beautiful and I want to thank her for always commenting on my blog it is so sweet and lovely.
2. Bethany aka JustOldCuriousMe - Bethany is my best friend I love her to bits and I can't wait for our holiday!
3. Holly O'Connor aka Vibrant Sunsets - I love holly's blog her posts never fail to inspire me and I enjoy reading her comments on my posts.
4. Ermal - Ermal was the first person to comment and follow my blog so Thank you!
5.  The Anon Girl - A 'blogging friend' of mine that I am hoping to do a collaboration post with soon!
6. Online Girl - I love how colorful and fun her blog!
And I nominate whoever else may want to do this! (I have very few friends haha)
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post,
- Ellie Xx


  1. I loved the post and you are most welcome for your nomination! I love animals too but sadly I do not have any pets

  2. Thanks so much for your nomination Ellie, here's my post.


  3. Aww deary thank you so much for your kind words and nomination, you made me so happy! I loved learning more about you! Animals are wonderful, it's so sad that you're allergic to cats aw! But I think there are certain kinds of cats that are okay for those with allergies? Not sure! Dying to try that Clinique shade everyone has been raving about it. :D Have a beautiful day beautiful! xxxxx

    1. Aww it's fine and thank you so much for this lovely comment!

      - Ellie Xx

  4. Congrats on your nominations!
    I love learning more about other bloggers :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH ELLIE! This is my first nomination! Eek! You are the best! x

  6. It's fine holly can't wait to read your post!

    - Ellie Xx

  7. Thank you sooo soo much. This is my first nomination for any award so you're the best. I had a laugh reading your facts.

    1. It's fine Bethnay can't wait to see you and read your post!

      - Ellie Xx

  8. Really great post:) Have a nice day!

  9. Hi I am Arya. I love your blog. I have a blog too, I don't suppose you could check it out at I would of loved to been nominated!

    1. Thank you Arya and Of course I will check your blog out!

      - Ellie Xx

  10. I quite like your blog. Do you have any tips for starting a blog??

    1. Thank you and I could maybe create a post all about creating a blog?

      - Ellie Xx


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