Why I Haven't Been Uploading?

Hello Lovelies,

Today I thought I would tell you why I haven't been uploading for the past three days. I have been having really bad sleepless nights where I go to sleep at 2:30 am on school nights because I have had really bad chest pains, a cough and wheezing. 

I have also had a really stressful week where I have been coming home from school and just sitting crying because of someone in school who my closest friends are friends with. I hate arguing so I just keep walking away from my friends feeling uncomfortable around them the only person I have is myself when I am upset. So I just end up walking around school by myself crying in anger! 

So I haven't really been feeling motivated to write blog posts I don't want to sugar coat that everything and everyone in my life is perfect when it isn't.

I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope to create blog posts again soon.

- Ellie Xx


  1. I'm sorry for the rough week you've been having, life is full of ups and downs and I just hope that things will start looking up for you soon dear! If you ever want to talk about anything I'm here for you! Just remember that everything will pass "everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright it's not the end." xxxxx


    1. aww thank you that means a lot to me.

      - Ellie Xx

  2. Aww! It's okay Ellie, you don't need to upload everyday if you aren't feeling the vibes! Nobody here will be judging you! School is stressful enough as it is and there is always issues among friends! I wish I could be there for you and be your friend in school! Don't get so upset and try to relacx your mind! Your friends will come around sometime and everything will be okay! Please don't be scared to shoot me an email if you need a chat, or dm me on twitter even if it's just for a friendly chat! I don't like you being so upset and want you to know that I'm here for you! Everything will be okay, just hold your head high and continue to be you! x


    1. Thanks Holly! That means a lot to me.

      - Ellie Xx

  3. aww. I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm sorry if you feel like I haven't been there for you hun but just know that you are amazing and it's their loss not yours because losing a friend like you is a big mistake.

    1. You have been their for me Bethany and thank you it means a lot!

      - Ellie Xxx

  4. I'm sorry you're feeling this way, I kinda know how you feel because I was in a similar situation. Just know that everything is going to be fine in the end :) xx


  5. I hope you're feeling better soon Ellie!
    TAG xx

  6. Oh Ellie, I wish I could do something to help you. I really do. I just want to run to whatever part of the Earth you're on and give you a great big hug. But I cannot, so a virtual hug will have to suffice.
    It's horrible that you're feeling like this. Isn't there someone you can talk to? Tell? Share these feelings with?
    If there isn't, just know that there are people in the blogosphere that are only too keen to help you through this <3
    Stay strong, Ellie!

    1. Aww thank you so much Cindy! That means a lot.

      - Ellie Xx


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