A Story With Great Depth

A Story With Great Depth

I love stories with great twists and turns and things that will shock you along the way. If you have seen an Indiana Jones movie you will see many twists because one happens every ten minutes which keeps us viewers on the edge of our seats but a good book can also do this.

In my opinion this adds great depth and detail to the story because you may think you know a character but they may shock you.
A brilliant book that some of you may of heard of is ‘Vampire Academy’ which I believe Rachelle mead wrote ( not sure sorry!) this story actually made me feel the emotions the characters felt, it was amazing at some points you were asking for something to happen but once it did you felt the regret of that the characters felt. It’s is a great example of emotional writing/literature. (If that’s even what you call it.)
I have currently been reading the story ‘Mister Creecher’ by Chris priestly into the first few chapters a lot of unexpected things happened it is linked to Frankenstein and his monster. I quite like this if you wish I can post a review when finished!
Hope you enjoy my little Blog post's about creative writing, I will be posting regular book and some films reviews both good and bad. 

Until next time,
Ellie x


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