

Halloween is coming up soon and that means, at least, for me, reading and writing many horror stories and watching Alfred Hitchcock repeatedly.
but, what makes a good horror story?
well like any other story it needs a good sustainable plot. in my opinion it doesn't necessarily need to be well thought out but that does help.
I like making mood boards of images off Google, twitter, pinterest, instagram, tumblr, etc. doing this help’s me have a good idea and understanding of the setting and location.
A question I am asked regularly in class and just from fellow writers is
- “How do I start my story?”
here is an example of how to start your horror story - feel free to use it!
Grey rain clouds hung moodily over the small village of Amerson, the small oval shaped water droplets fell slowly onto the pavement, I pulled my coat tighter around my torso hugging my body with warmth. Fear ran through my whole body but I knew I had to walk on.
that is just one example you can right about a persons inner thoughts, but I like pathetic fallacy the best especially for horrors.
(let me know what you want help on and if you want more help starting your story and getting ideas.)
Pathetic Fallacy - using the weather to create a mood. 
Next I would suggest introducing the horrific thing that makes your horror story a horror story whether it be a ghost, possessed doll, murders, etc. 
I would end my story with the character leaving the place, or if you want yours to be a bit more gruesome the protagonist or another character could die ending your story there.
I really hope this helped you out,
Ellie xx

ALSO: Great news, well for me I won a horror story competition! The prize is to go to the local wood's for a camp-fire. The reason why I am mentioning this is enter as many writing competitions that come your way because no matter if you win or lose you can get feedback on your writing and fortunately if you win it keeps you motivated to continue writing! 


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