
I am quite nervous to post this, I used to have quite a low self esteem when it came to peoples thoughts about me. 

This a very common thing in teenagers especially teenage girls.

I personally went through school getting compliments off fellow students but you can hear them whispering, laughing. The compliment they gave me was a complete and utter lie.

You then begin to question the people who surround you and their motives.

The terrible things you begin to believe they think about you. I used to constantly think that people didn't care about my opinion...

But if YOU feel like this DON'T i know it's easier said than done but think of it like this -

If they're that awful of a person to give you a fake compliment or just be a fake friend! You don't deserve their opinion and they don't deserve your friendship or kindness.

Half the time they are just awful people and you don't want to be around them meet new people! Don't be afraid! 

They may feel the same as you and then you have a friend for life.

If your feeling low about your self comment below why and I will make sure to reply to every single one of them.  

 I don't know what brought on this post but if I can help at least one person then I'm happy as I have improved your daily life in some sort of way I guess. . . 


Ellie xx


  1. Don't be afraid to comment or write a little message in the contact me box and we can all become friends xxxx


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