Thoughts on the election...


I decided to put some of my thoughts down on the general election which in case you didn't know is a referendum on who the next prime minister will be.

 Disclaimer: I am not hating on any political parties or singling anyone out this just my views and opinions.

 Ed Miliband...

I am a young person and only 14 years of age but I have an interest in who will be the next prime minister and how the country will be ran.  First of all lets talk about the current prime minister which is David Cameron who belongs to the Conservative party if you want to read there manifesto in full you can here:

I personally believe David Cameron hasn't truly had a chance to show himself as a good prime minister because he has had to get the country out of a Recession caused by the Labour party and has had to keep making several cuts to make sure our economy benefits from it. I know it may not seem like it but cuts are for a reason they are not made to make peoples lives a living hell.

I also believe Labour have all these promises that may not actually benefit the country I just don't think there thoughts are on our economy. Read Labour's Manifesto Here:

Ukip. The united kingdom independence party I have heard so many rumours about this party so don't worry they will NOT be forcing women to wear skirts! and They will NOT allow women to be harassed it is all rumours I agree with most of Ukip's policies and I most definitely wouldn't if they were sexist. Read Ukip's Manifesto and Policies Here:

Liberal Democrats. I agree with several of the Liberal democrats policies but I question where they shall get the money to make their policies a reality? I love how they truly want the NHS to stay but where are they getting the extra £8 billion to put towards it - higher taxes? yet they are claiming £400 Tax cut (please someone explain in the comments!!!)
Liberal Democrats Manifesto:

Thank you so much for reading of my frustrations of not truly understanding these parties, please let me know who you voted for and why or why you are frustrated with the general election.

I know I can't vote but in a few years I can so while young and still in education I believe I should learn about this topic.

-  Ellie x


  1. Love this post I also have an interest on politics and should of done a similar post but chose not to. Lovely read love xx

    1. Thanks lovely means a lot I don't think many people will read this post but I was just bored so I thought why not? lol - Ellie x


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