Bella Thorne Style Steal

Hello Lovelies!

I really enjoyed watching the movie the duff and although it is easy to hate Bella Thornes character it is hard to deny she has an amazing sense of style! So here is a Bella Thorne Style Steal! 

Black Leather Jacket - Select
White Camisole - ASOS
Black Jeans - New Look 

It really depends on what sense of style you have as to what shoes you would put with this outfit. I would personally pair this look with a pair of ankle boots but you could pair it with a cute pair of flats.

I really hope you liked this post! 

Thanks for reading,

- Ellie Xx


  1. Love this edgy look, that jacket is gorgeous! Haven't seen the movie but I hear it's great. :D xxxxxx

    1. Thank you! And it is great if you have the opportunity to watch it do.
      - Ellie Xx

  2. Gorgeous outfit. I really enjoyed watching that movie with you it was really funny x

    1. Thank you and I know we had such a laugh that night!
      - Ellie Xx


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