EASY DIY - Simple And Affordable Wall Art

Hello lovelies! 

I love how easy it is to turn a simple empty box frame into a beautiful piece of wall art and that's what inspired this post. I will be showing you how to make these two beautiful pieces below: 


Firstly you do not have to be really good at DIYS because to be honest I am rubbish at most if not all of them! 

For both of these pieces of wall art you will need a box frame I used two completely different frames in the floral wall art piece I used a frame from ikea but in the mirrored quote wall art I used one from the range (that was only £2.99!).

The Floral Wall Art Piece

For this you will need glue, fake flowers and a box frame! The frame and flowers I used were from ikea but you can use any I know the store Boyes has flowers from £1 each (you will need at least 5) which is great value for money if your on a tight budget. 

All you need to do is take the heads of the flowers of the stem and then glue them to the piece of paper/card you get in your frame, I used a hot glue gun but any glue will work. I place four white flowers around the edge and a pink one in the middle but you can pick any colours you would like and will go with your rooms colour scheme. Then put into the frame and voila! You have a floral wall art piece for under £10.

Mirrored Quote Wall Art.

For this you will need your box frame and some mirrored wall art stickers the ones I had were from Store twenty one and were only £1.99. Making this DIY only cost me £4.98 just under £5. So all you have to do for this one is stick your mirrored sticker to the paper in the back of the frame in a way you like and then simply put the paper back in and you are done!

Like i said you don't have to be a big DIY enthusiast to be able to do these! I hope you like this post and come back on Wednesday for my new blog post.

Thanks for reading,

- Ellie Xx


  1. OMG what a great idea I love the mirrored one. I may just have to do this myself x

    1. Thank you and give it a go it is worth it for the price!
      - Ellie Xxx

  2. These are so cute! Considering how great they look they actually seem fairly easy to do, might have a go at the flower one if I come across some cute fake flowers :) Thanks for sharing! xx
    Chasing Belle

    1. Thank You and Give it a go if you have the time!
      - Ellie Xx

  3. These are super cute! I've always wanted to do the flower shadow box one. Thank you for reminding me of it! Great post Ellie! :)


    1. Thank you and you should totally give it a go!
      - Ellie Xx


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