Get an Edgy style for summer 2015!

Hello lovelies,

I really admire people like Kylie Jenners sense of style where they have a bit more of a risky, edgy look so here is an outfit that will suit even the most tame of people! 

1. Shirt £14.99 Select 

2. Jeans £17.99 Select 

Here are some shoes that I feel like would really finish off this outfit. 
Shoes £14.50 - New Look 

I hope you like this post and my next post should hopefully be up tomorrow but nothing is definite!

Thanks for reading, 

- Ellie Xx 

Question Of The Post: If you could define your style in one word what it be and why!? 

My answer: Bipolar. (I hope no one takes offence to this term, I don't mean it in a offensive or hurtful way I mean it by one of the ways it is defined as having or relating to two poles or extremeties) This may seem like such a peculiar answer but one day I can be a really girly person and the next I am wearing a really edgy outfit then five minutes later I am wearing vintage chic. I don't know tell me your answer in the comments below! Xx 


  1. cute outfit! I really like Kylie Jenner's style too, she always looks good. would love if you could check out my new fashion post? :)

    The Fashion Road

    1. Thank you and I will be sure to read it!
      - Ellie Xx

  2. I really love the grungy feel of this outfit. Lovely post Hun x

    1. Thank you - that's what I was try to go for!
      - Ellie Xx


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