My Favourite Summer Songs!


I thought why not share some of my favourite songs to listen to in summer

We All Want The Same Thing - Rixton 

(Yes this is the band from the Cornetto advert!) I loved this song as soon as I heard it (I think it was around September last year)

Sherry - The Four Seasons

This is one of my favourite four seasons song and I just love listening to it whenever I feel down it just really helps lift your mood! 

Everyday - Buddy Holly 

Buddy holly is one of my favourite singers of the 50s and if it wasn't for him and his band The Beatles would have never been around they named their band off his!

A Hard Days Night - The Beatles 

This is my second favourite Beatles song after Twist And Shout! But I love all Beatles songs! 

Twist And Shout - The Beatles 

My favourite Beatles song! I love this song it just makes you want to dance.

I know not everyone likes old music like me but if you do you may like this! 

Thanks for reading,

- Ellie 


  1. I love the four seasons, my fave song is who loves you =]

    1. That song is Amazing and thanks for your lovely comment!
      - Ellie Xx

  2. I also love the four seasons but I'm also loving fifth harmony x

    1. Thanks and I have to agree I love fifth harmony they have some amazing songs!
      - Ellie Xx


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