Louis The Pom Frise

Hello Lovlies,

Sorry that it's been a little while but here is a new post that is on my little doggy Louis!

So first of all I have become one of those people. I made an Instagram for my dog. 

have very good reasons why! I have always posted pictures of Louis on my Instagram and people seemed to really like him so I thought why not? Haha. 

I love Louis he's one of my best friends so today he entered his first ever competition so he made plenty of doggy friends but he wasn't too sure about the bigger dogs. 

I am quite proud to say he won two awards one of them with my help! Just kidding it was all him even in the six legged round. He didn't place for handsomest dog as their were seven
Competitors and only five placed so i took it upon myself to enter the six legged competition and we came first! So then we were put into overall meaning we had a chance at best in show! sadly we didn't win best in show but look on the bright side we won best in show reserve so we came second which in my eyes is pretty good for a first competition. 

Anyway I am interested do any of you have any canine friends? If so tell me I the comments! 

Thanks for reading,

- Ellie Xx 


  1. Hi Ellie lovely post. As you know I have a cat called custard who is sitting on me as I type. So I don't think there are such things as cat shows. Oh well. And well done Louis x

    1. Hi Bethany,

      I don't know like their are some weird things and people out there? Maybe cat shows do exist I will put it on my mental list of things to google! Haha and If Louis could speak he would say Thanks Bethany! He already loves you. Can't wait to see you soon and Custard too.

      - Ellie Xx



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