My Finished Bedroom! | Room Tour 2015

Hello Lovelies,

Today I thought I would show you all my room now that it is finished but I am still thinking about getting a new bed for Christmas but it is finished for now.

This is what you see when you first enter my room. 

Here is a panoshot of the wallpapered back wall. 

A closer look at my TV area that my dad made which I think looks amazing so I am very grateful for that. As you can tell in the photo I am currently trying to catch up with Pretty Little Liars. 

Here is a photo of the wall where my bed and window is. 

A closer look at my bed and wall art. (My Bee is called Sybil) 

Here is a panoshot of the wall where my door is.

My makeup tables and wall art. 

Now here is the wall opposite my window. 

This wall is pretty simple it has a mirror an canvas image of a bumble bee. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post I did not mean to boast or brag in anyway I just wanted to show you the end result of my room because I have been telling you all about the DIYS I have done to save money and some of you wanted to see the end result so here it is.

If you want to know where I got anything just ask in the comments.  (Not sponsored) 

Thanks For Reading! 

- Ellie Xxx


  1. I love the little bits and bobs in your room, especially Sybil aw so cute! xxxxx

  2. I loved how girl online is the first book on your shelf. It's my favourite book hahaha

    -Ermal x

    1. I love that book too and I know you can't see it but Love Tanya is at the other end where the picture frame is haha.

      - Ellie Xx

  3. Wish my bedroom was that clean haha =]

    1. It's not always that clean trust me i cleaned it up a bit for this post haha :)

      - Ellie Xxx

  4. What a cute room! xx

  5. What a cute room. The dressing table and the ornaments are so cute x


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