Dear Nicole Arbour | *Rant*


Disclaimer: i do not know nicole, i haven't seen any of her videos so i am simply building my opinion of her from this video. she may be the loveliest person in the world but i just wanted to address this video and my opinion of it! This is a rant so apologise for any spelling errors or if I offend you. 

Watch the video:

This may not be what I usually post on here but i felt like I had to adress this. One of the most controversial youtube videos I have ever seen was uploaded on the 3rd of september entitled Dear Fat People. I have just watched that video and I am appalled not only by her using being bigger than the average person as a joke but her ideas to stop people from being 'fat' disgust me. 

Even  at the start she says people are already mad at the video. why upload a video that you know will offend millions of people globally? What i am saying is that is she trying to shock people? for what ever reasons i don't know maybe she is trying to get more views? I am not her so that may not be the case but I have noticed that this particular video has over 100,000 views more than her average view count. 

Basically in the video she discusses ways she believes 'fat' people can lose weight and makes jokes whilst doing so. One of her 'methods' that she came up with is to put it straight - bully them. She says if offending someone makes them lose weight is 'fat shaming' then do it. I mean to me that is going to upset people and it may even corner people into an eating disorder.

I know she is not talking to people with medical conditions, only obese people but in my opinion as long as YOU ARE HAPPY then you are beautiful! we are all humans and if you are like me and want to spend your life doing and eating what ever you want and not fall into Nicoles ideal body type then don't. Yes society may accept you more if you look and act a certain way but society will respect you more if you are yourself. 

I am sorry if i offend anyone! 

Please Leave comment telling me what you think of the video as I would love to know other peoples view points - do you agree with nicole or do you disagree with her?  I would just like to know how different people see this video and why they do. 


- Ellie Xx 


  1. I don't see why she was so frustrated, honestly. This video made me so angry, and confused and sad.. I disagree with her COMPLETELY and I also felt repulsed by all the jokes she was saying. I was overweight myself, and I lost 40 kilos which took a lot of effort on my part but I know it isn't easy and sometimes not possible for certain people.. But I did it for myself and NOT because someone forced me to do so or convinced me I should. Being overweight isn't a choice, there could be underlying emotional or physical reasons and sometimes it's genetics and sometimes it just what the person wants and each and every one one of us is entitled to what they want, and we should be HAPPY in our skin. But with this kind of vibe that video gave off and all the pressures and standards of the media, how our vision of beauty has been warped it's so hard to be happy with ourselves and our body image. This video goes against everything I believe in personally.. Thank you for this post Ellie! xxxxx

    1. Thank you so much for this lovely comment! The video also goes against everything I believe and being overweight may not be a lifestyle choice for some people. The video was cruel and uncalled for.

      - Ellie Xx

    2. I totally disagree with Nicole. All that matters is that you are happy. Nicole was mean and darn right cruel. she may be looking for attention I don't know but it still wasn't called for. Everyone is different, Nobody's perfect and everyone has a right to be happy. I respect you 'Romatiquely' and Ellie for this post/comment. Xx

  2. Thank you Bethany, i agree with you! - Ellie Xx


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