Flawless Makeover Studios - My Experience

Hello Lovelies,

Today I went to one of the flawless makeover studios at Middlesbrough! You got your hair styled however you may like but the stylist will give a suggestion as to how they think you would suit it, I personally had my hair in waves. The makeup the lovely make up artist did was a blue smokey eye to match my prom dress and to compliment my natural blue eyes. They also gave me a mini-manicure with the nail polishes of my choice. 

Here is an image showing how I looked after the airbrushing and makeover. The only air brushing I had was to remove my acne I wasn't self conscious of anything else to do with my appearance. 

Some images from my photoshoot: 


             Me and a good family friend (Aunty) Alice.


Hope you enjoyed this post and Thanks for reading, 

- Ellie 

I would love to know if you have been to a company like that and if you enjoyed it as much as I do. 

Disclaimer: This post is NOT sponsored or affiliated with this company at all I just wanted to tell you all how lovely the staff and everyone there was on and how much of an amazing experience it is! 


  1. You looked amazing! I love your dress and hair.


  2. Awww very pretty pictures, love the blue dress =]


    1. Thank you so much! it is my prom dress.

      - Ellie Xx

  3. Gorgeous photos and that dress is amazing x

  4. I'll have to say that ombre dress looks so good with your smokey eye. Nice Pictures! -Ermal

    1. Thanks Ermal i think that is what the makeup artist was trying to do!

      - Ellie Xx

  5. You look absolutely STUNNING in these photos. Very nice!!

    xoxo Emily

    1. Thank you so much!

      - Ellie Xx



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