Landscape Inspired Outfit - Silloth

Hello Lovelies,
Last summer me and my good friend Bethany (@JustOldCuriousMe) spent a week in Silloth in Cumbria with my family. And we are hoping to go again in the upcoming Easter Holidays. I have been to Silloth a few times and I love it there because of the beautiful views and how quiet and serine it can be. So today I though I would base two outfits of the view in Silloth, one for Winter and one for Summer.

Summer Pieces

Top £7.00 Miss Selfridge
Shorts £17.99 New Look
Bag £13.50 Miss Selfridge
Shoes £18.99 New Look

Winter Pieces

Jeans £35.00 AS0S
Jumper £22.00 Topshop
Jacket £24.99 New Look
Shoes £20.00 Miss Selfridge

I hope you really enjoyed this post and leave a comment below telling me your favourite sleepy seaside town!

Thanks for reading loves,

Ellie Xx

PS: I am terribly sorry for my infrequent uploads just there are only 5 or 4 teaching weeks till I start my GCSEs so thing are getting a bit on top of me but I do promise to continue blogging!


  1. Love both if these outfits and I had a great time with you on holiday. Another great post Ellie xx

    1. Thank you Bethany, loved that holiday nearly put the photo of us in the park on haha!

      - Ellie Xx


  2. I love these outfits! Cumbria is one of my most favorite places on earth and I wish more than anything that I could visit again! Keep your chin up for your GCSEs, you are going to do fab!

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely comment Holly,

    Ellie Xx



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