Let's Talk! - Prom, Work Experience, and Old TV

Hello Lovelies,

It seems every time I have been starting a blog post recently I have been apologising for not uploading frequently enough! Well I had another busy week with work experience and Prom.

For me I found Work Experience really interesting, although there wasn't much work for me to do at my placement the work I did do was incredible. I even got to fill out a life insurance policy for one of the company's clients. The people who I worked with as well were amazing they were so nice to me.

Prom was also very exciting, it was probably one of the best nights ever. Which sounds like an over exaggeration but I personally wasn't very excited for prom a month before but as soon as it was a few days to go I began getting excited. I think I never left the dance floor all night but the food was really bad the less said about that the better! Me and Bethany aka JustOldCuriousMe went together as we both didn't have a date but once at Prom we sure did have a laugh. Our first song was Shut Up and Dance which is our anthem and then from our favourite movie 'I've had the time of my life'. We even re-enacted the dance. We also danced with a half-shirtless boy from our year who hadn't spoken two words to us before that night.

 Here are some photos from the Prom!

Also I must add I have now half lost my voice which is great as I an off to the cinema tomorrow with the bestie (Bethany) and then off for a day of shopping at Blackpool on Saturday. But I have been resting my voice by lying on the coach watching old TV shows on Box Sets. I am officially obsessed with Glee and Ugly Betty, I had forgotten how good those TV shows were!!

Thanks for reading,

Ellie Xxx



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