/ My Handbag Collection / 2016 / Louis Vuitton, Kenneth Cole, etc. /

Hello Lovelies,
Today I wanted to share with you my 'handbag collection' as they are one of my favourite accessories and I have a lot of them, which is why I have selected 6 of my favourites to show you to. So as they are one of my favourite accessories some of these are gifts from my family and friends so I am in no way trying to show off or boast about the bags I have I just thought it might be nice for you my readers to see more of what my sense of style is like.

1.  Louis Vuitton

This bag was a gift of my aunt as she was wanting rid of some of her handbags and she knew I would take good care of them so she sent them up north to me from where she lives down south. This is probablies my favourite handbag and my most used one as it goes with everything whether it is dressy or laid back! 

2. Kenneth Cole

I purchased this handbag a few weeks ago from TK Maxx and I absolutely love it.  I had been eyeing it up for a few weeks before I decided to splurge on it. To be completely honest I didn't know much about the designer Kenneth Cole but I have been re-watching Ugly Betty and he was in an episode of that! I would use this bag when travelling or going to the beach because it is very roomy and I can fit a lot into it. 

3. Primark 

I purchased this bag a few years ago when I was on an overnight school trip to Northumbria University. I have to admit I use this a lot less than I would like to because it is so small. I think you could actually dress this up or down. 

4. Unbranded

This crossbody was a gift from a family friend and she purchased this for me from Scoop in Blackpool and I love this bag because it goes with everything. 

5. Unbranded 

The same family friend purchased this bag for me from the same store and I adore it as it goes with a lot of my pieces as I had a red kick when I was shopping one day! 

6.  Deichmann

I like this bag as if it is only small so if I am only carrying my phone and purse then this is perfect for that. 

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post. 

Sending love,

Ellie Xx



  1. Great post, I love your Louis Vuitton!!
    -Chloe May xo

    1. Aww thank you so much for the lovely comment! It is definitely one of/ if not my favourite(S).

      Sending Love,

      Ellie Xx



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