Red Queen Review

Hello Lovelies,

I had been wanting to read Red Queen for a while since I heard about it in the book tube community. After finishing it the other day I knew I would have to write a review on here.


Mare is a red blood who lives in a world where she is oppressed by silver bloods. Silver bloods are superior as they have 'magic' abilities/powers which make them 'god like'? However Mare has a magic ability where she shoots purple and silver lightning. By the end of the book I had suffered some drama with a Wicked Queen, 2 Evil Prince's and 2 Romances. Overall I would rate the plot a 4/5 it had a very intriguing premise but it was for me very confusing at times as so much was going on at one time.

Writing Style

Victoria Aveyard really thought out the plot and the timeline of the book however a few things kept annoying me. I am sorry to say this but the character of Mare was incredible but her inner thoughts didn't always sound like the character - but for me as a reader/writer inner thoughts always annoy me! Another thing that kept getting to me while reading was the information dumps which is typical when world building so I understand that. Rating the writing I would give it 3.5/5.

Characters and Character Development

The character development in this book is definitely one of the best I have seen as there were so many twists and turns on the characters their personalities - if you are going to read this ( which I highly suggest you do! ) it is a rollercoaster of emotions - it can effect you psychologically as you will lose trust in every character. I am going to rate the characters and character development 5/5. I even stopped reading the book for a few minutes every so often just to take it all in!

Additional Thoughts

After hearing several reviews on this book - post reading it! I hadn't realized how hyped the book was but I personally believe it lived up to the hype and was nothing like I had expected it to be. All I can say is Read it, Read it, Read It!!


Overall I would rate this book..... 12.5/15!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.

Sending love,

Ellie Xx



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